Welcome to the Valley Church Pastor Portal

Here you will find information about the area local to Valley Church, the community in which we live, our church, and a description of what being Pastor of Valley Church is all about!

Our Community: our readily recognizable church building sits in the middle of our tight-knit suburban community located just outside the city of Binghamton, NY.
Our Church: We are well known for our various programs and community involvement, including youth programs, our annual Live Nativity, the 'Parents Night Out' program, our annual Fall Festival, support of our local Food Pantry, etc..
Our Pastor: Being Pastor at Valley Church means experiencing a variety of joys, accomplishments, and challenges.  You will lead and inspire a small, but vibrant and diverse, congregation.
Our Local Region: located in Central NY, in the
midst of rolling hills and the beautiful Finger
Lakes, we enjoy a diverse cultural environment,
with a wide variety of fun activities for all ages.