Our Pastor Leads Us to "Shine Christ's Light"

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Valley CRC is seeking a Gospel-centered pastor to shepherd our congregation. We are a thriving, community-focused church that utilizes a blended worship style. We are multi-generational, welcoming and affirming to all God’s children. Our safe suburban community in Central New York (Binghamton) is stunning in all seasons, with beautiful rolling hills, trees, rivers and valleys. If you are a caring communicator and feel the call to lead our congregation in shining Christ’s light in our valley, please contact Ron Crawford at ValleyPSC@stny.rr.com or visit http://www.valleycrc.com/pastorportal.html.

Valley Church Pastoral Roles, Responsibilities, and Relationships

The pastor, with the elders and deacons, is to provide spiritual leadership to the church. The pastor is called to a ministry of preaching and teaching of the Word, administration of the sacraments, and the equipping of the congregation for works of service. Leadership in other areas must be based upon personal giftedness.

The pastor has the authority to lead the church. He or she is supported by the Council, staff, and team (committee) leaders. The Council will address concerns regarding authority. Certain responsibilities and authorities have been delegated by the Council to teams, as defined in the team mandates; therefore, that organizational structure must be respected and utilized by staff and volunteers to the fullest extent possible.

The pastor must be committed to the vision and mission of Valley Christian Reformed Church and the ministries that flow from them. This commitment will be reflected in his or her service to the Council and teams, the church membership, prayer, the ministries of Valley Christian Reformed Church, and continuing pastoral and leadership education.

Vision Development
The pastor will set the vision for the church in cooperation with the Council and Growth and Renewal team. His or her giftedness and position may allow sharper insight and a broader view than those of others. The pastor needs to allow Council and team members their visions, and the Council and team members need to allow the pastor his or her vision. Collectively, a single vision statement will be developed. Supporting goals and objectives will be developed or refined annually. These then will be presented to the congregation for their support. The pastor will then be responsible for promoting this vision to the congregation and community.

Personal Giftedness
Recognizing that each individual is uniquely gifted for ministry, the pastor may choose to delegate certain areas of his or her service to others and/or assume other areas of service. The Council should affirm the pastor’s ministries. Staff and team leaders may also provide input. Reviews of the pastor’s ministry areas will be done annually in conjunction with the pastoral evaluation.

Equipping and Enabling
The pastor will disciple and mentor key leaders and potential leaders within the church body. This may be done through teaching in specific areas such as gifts, administration, discipleship, prayer, and vision development, and may include attending seminars with Council members or key leaders. Equipping and enabling leaders should be a ministry priority. Equipping and enabling of the general congregation should be done through sermons, teaching (e.g., Sunday school), and small group ministry.

Relationship to Staff
The pastor is ordinarily charged with the supervision of the staff unless otherwise decided by a joint decision between the pastor and the Council. The pastor is responsible for the hiring and termination of staff, with review by the Council.

Relationship to Council
The pastor is ordinarily the president of the Council. Cooperative leadership is expected from both the pastor and the Council members. Each has the authority to hold the other accountable. Common submission to the will, wisdom, and vision of God for the church at this time, in this place, with God’s people, is vital. Just as the Council is to conduct an annual pastoral evaluation, so the pastor, in conjunction with the Council, will conduct an annual evaluation of the Council.

Relationship to Team (Committee), Deacon, and Elder Leaders
The pastor will work closely with the team leaders and the deacon and elder chairpersons. He or she is responsible for equipping these leaders to serve more effectively in their ministry roles.

"A Time For Trust"- An article about considering a call to a new church.  Recommended reading
from the Valley Church Pastoral Search Committee.